Friday, January 7, 2022

So long Sidney Poitier

I had such a crush on him as a girl, especially after the movie "To Sir with Love" (1967), and then there was "Guess Whose Coming to Dinner" (1969) with Kate and Spencer. It was the 60's, and the height of the civil rights movement, but I was fortunate to be in a family and environment that was pretty darned color blind. No one cared about color when this completely elegant, handsome, Bahamian prince and heartthrob of a man graced the screen. I was but a young girl, but I adored him. And his movie roles impressed and had a huge impact on me in a era where the outside world was so turbulent. "A Patch of Blue", "In the Heat of the Night", "Lilies of the Field", and so, so many others. Too many to cite. So long for now handsome man, at 94, you had a most spectacular run. Thank you for all the memories Mr. Sidney Poitier I truly treasure them. From a star struck fan. 

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