My Church During Hurricane Irma

Sept 10, 2017. Volunteers and staff of the Church of Scientology in Clearwater, Florida stayed up all night last night boarding up the businesses in downtown Clearwater on their own time and the Church's expense in advance of Hurricane Irma. 
 This was after some of them had boarded up their own homes. The City did not do this, and even some of the big chains like Starbucks didn't secure their OWN premises with plywood. MY CHURCH did this! This is what we do. The City of Clearwater has been known to spread false rumors and lies about our Church there and I just want you to know, that this is what we are really about, helping our fellows, and especially in times of need.
In addition, the main Church buildings in Clearwater as well as Miami were open to the community at large as shelters since they are built to withstand Cat 5 hurricanes and are above the flood and surge zones. There are thousands of people and pets sheltering in our buildings there right now, and many more out assisting elderly or disabled to get to safety.
Some of these volunteers are fresh off the planes from Texas where they were helping people there after Hurricane Harvey. I have been a Scientologist for over 30 years, so I don't really need to hear any of the lies that get told about us sometimes. I've heard them all before and know they are not true. My Church is all about helping people, as are most churches. In my experience, when the chips are down its usually the church organizations of various denominations that step in to help, whether you are a member or not. I love and am so very proud of my Church members!

You can find out more about our non-denominational Volunteer Ministers Program here


  1. Fantastic and fully concur!

  2. Replies
    1. Yes, it really is. I am so impressed myself with their selfless service to the community.

  3. Thanks for sharing and thanks for your services to humanity!

  4. It was amazing to witness first hand. The care factor is over the top!
