Good morning.
Today I celebrate the 9th birthday of the boy who made me a grandmother for the first time. No, this is not a current photo of him, it is an older favorite. I don't share current photos of my grandsons much anymore, due in part because of all the pedophilia activity I've seen on Social Media sites, and Rory is a beautiful boy. He is also autistic, and so there is an even stronger inclination to protect him and his family's privacy. He is fortunate to have capable parents however, that look after him well. C-o-v-i-d has put a crimp on travel for us and our ability to see him and his younger brother for various reasons, and that is a real heartbreak for me. Hopefully this madness ends soon, and families can re-unite more freely and openly again without restraint and government mandates on health issues. Meanwhile, Happy Birthday little man Rory, though you may not always know it, you are very much loved.

In other news... I took a bad fall yesterday evening on our tiled kitchen floor. I was home alone and I had to call for help to get off the floor. I can assure you that is a very humbling and debilitating feeling. I'm okay, nothing appears to be broken, just banged up, bruised and a few strains and sprains. My Left knee, right ankle, and both thumbs and wrists are quite sore and I'm a bit slow getting around. In fact I've discovered that crutches are quite useless when your hands also hurt. I'm very happy neither hip was affected. I had to use both hands to hold my coffee cup this morning because my hands were bruised. My husband who gave up coffee over a year ago was kind enough to make my morning cups of java today.
This episode has made me even more grateful to have a husband in good health and in a position to come when I called to help me. Both he and our older son came to my aid when called. That is after many futile attempts on my own to get vertical again, and only after I managed to scoot across the floor to reach my phone in the other room. Like I said, my tears were as much for the feeling of humiliation and lack of independence as they were for the pain of damaged joints, as well as anger at myself for ignoring some water on the floor
that I'd noticed earlier. I have realized once again that its important to keep alert for older friends who may not have partners, room mates or other local support easily called upon. We do need to look out for one another.
My keyboard time and outdoor activities may be limited for the next several days while I let my banged up body heal. So, meanwhile, look out for one another, and Happy Wednesday!
Your thought for the day:
"No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another."
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