Well, I'm sorry if you missed it.  This registration period for the Amazing Selling Machine (ASM) course is now closed. I have no idea if and when they will do another course registration period. For the new students who registered, welcome! I'll see you inside the private ASM membership and Facebook groups. 

Meanwhile, its time for me to put my full attention back onto my own Amazon, Marketing,  and Art businesses.
Best wishes to all!


  1. You wouldn't think twice about investing in your children's education. Why would you question investing in your own? Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook invited 5 people to his dorm room, 2 showed up. They are now billionaires. I am inviting you to check out this Amazon opportunity, will you be like one of those 3 regretting not showing up? Doors closeTODAY. Invest in yourself! This is more than a course, it is also a mentorship program with access to expertise from people who have accomplished the real deal, a thriving highly profitable business using Amazon and then beyond.
