I travel, paint, photograph, philosophize and sometimes its just plain rambling. I also sell my watercolors and oil paintings, both originals and prints. The philosophy is free. Just a note; all text and images on this site are copyrighted and should not be used without my permission. Just ask, I love to chat. Thanks for visiting.
Good morning! It was clear and cool this morning at 50F (10C), and no clouds to give any pre-sunrise color. Just Sol popping above the desert mountains shedding his golden light and a bit of warmth. There were plenty of little birds about too, then the hawk struck and they all flew off. I watched them come back again 3 more times, only to have him strike again. I couldn't tell if he got anything or not, he was so quick and flew off low through the trees. It certainly has become a deterrent to the feeders, as well as the cats. The green eyed kitty came down from the back wall behind the millet feeder then spotted me and took off back over the wall. There was a collared dove calling persistently from his perch on the lamp post. I think he thought that mating season has started and he was calling for a mate. I watched the moonset on the western horizon. Its at 92.8% waning gibbous right now. I walked around the yard to see how the plant are faring. There are 4 lemons left on my little tree, and the bougainvillea leaves are all dead now. They will return in the spring, but I think I need to get it out of its pot and into the ground if I can manage it. The blue elf aloe buds are really showing up strong now, so we will get some of those blooming in a month or so. I've also got volunteer safflower plants and sunflowers all over the place from the seeds that the birds have dropped. Well the birds have been chased off yet again now.
Good morning.
Some of you already know that I have a hobby of taking bird photos in my back yard and in nearby parks and preserves. Here are a few recent shots of visitors to our yard and trees, or flying by overhead. Enjoy, and Happy Sunday! -Michele
An adult male Costa's hummingbird at our patio bird batch / fountain. This year we have had many more Costa's in the yard than we've had in years past. We've always had Anna's hummingbirds, and a few black-chinned, and the occasional migrating Rufous, but this winter the Costa's seem to have taken over and in the last few days, I've noticed several juveniles working the feeders.