I travel, paint, photograph, philosophize and sometimes its just plain rambling. I also sell my watercolors and oil paintings, both originals and prints. The philosophy is free. Just a note; all text and images on this site are copyrighted and should not be used without my permission. Just ask, I love to chat. Thanks for visiting.
Monday, November 29, 2021
Good Morning Nov 29- Clear Skies Again
Good morning. It was clear skies and 48F when I got up at 6AM. It’s now 59f . The bees were back as soon as the sun hit that feeder and the birdbath. I found a green lacewing on the lemon tree. Lots of hummingbird battles this morning. Besides this little one I caught through the window, I spotted at least 3 other Male Costas, 2 of them juveniles. They kept the male Anna’s hummingbird busy chasing them off, and I think there were at least two of them as well. My birdwatching spot is in the shade and it’s a bit chilly. Time to head back inside and get some work done. Happy Monday. - Michele
Sunday, November 28, 2021
Happy Hanukkah to all who celebrate the Festival of Lights
To those who celebrate, Wishing you many blessings and much joy.
Hanukkah is the Festival of Lights, the holiday that commemorates
the rededication of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem in the 2nd century BCE.
To all my dear friends who celebrate the 8 days
of the Festival of Lights, Happy Hanukkah!
Hanukkah , in Judaism, the Festival of Lights, the Feast of Consecration, or the Feast of the Maccabees; also transliterated Chanukah. According to tradition, it was instituted by Judas Maccabeus and his brothers in 165 B.C. to celebrate the dedication of the new altar in the Temple at Jerusalem. The festival occurs in December near the time of the winter solstice, as does Christmas, and lasts eight days. Hanukkah later came to be linked also with a miraculous cruse of oil that burned for eight days, leading to the practice of lighting special Hanukkah candles, one the first evening, two the second, and so on. The eight-branched candlestand (menorah) used in that ceremony is a frequent symbol for the holiday.
Good Morning Nov 28, 2021- A Costa's Hummingbird and Happy Hanukkah!
Good morning. Chilly but still wore my sandals outside. The little birds were out and I finally got a couple of good looks at that little male Costa’s hummingbird. Not great lighting because he mostly uses the feeder in the patio and it’s darker in there next to the wall. I also had a visit from a Black Phoebe, and caught it with the bigger camera. Hopefully I can download those images later. I had not had a Phoebe in the yard in ages. It didn’t dip in the pool, but it looked like it was thinking about it. We’re having such beautiful mild autumn weather so far. Nights in the high 40s and days in the low 70s. I wouldn’t mind some clouds and precipitation though. Having another relaxing day and completing several smaller projects.
Happy Sunday, and to all my dear friends who celebrate the Festival of Lights,
Saturday, November 27, 2021
Good Morning Nov 27, 2021- Bird Watching and Soup Making
Good morning. Got up at 6 this morning, and no clouds for a sunrise, so I strained the bone broth that had cooled overnight. I found a lone oleander blossom again out front. Sat out back to watch the birds and so far lots of hummingbirds, lesser goldfinches, house finches, and a junco. A grackle is squealing somewhere close, but I don’t see him. Also the green eyed kitty came for a stroll and a drink from the lizard bowl. Oh goodness, I just saw the sharp shinned hawk attempt a couple of strikes. Doesn’t look like he got one though. Now all the little birds and doves are hiding. I trimmed the lantana in the barrels way back, and picked a few more lemons. The bees are back swarming the red feeder again and also on the birdbaths. Oh, just saw that noisy grackle fly off. So that’s where you were. The little birds haven’t come back. I suspect the hawk is still lurking up in our big pine tree. Time to go back inside and warm up with my second cup of coffee.
Friday, November 26, 2021
Thanksgiving Italian Style, Tips For Giving A Dinner Party In Italy
My friend Chris and her husband Pete have moved to a village in southern Italy and she has become a big promoter of ex-pat life in Italy. Here is her recent video for Thanksgiving Dinner in their home in Santa Domenica Talao in Italy
Good Morning Nov 26, 2021- Soup Stock & Lemons
Good morning! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I got the soup stock on this morning to simmer with the turkey carcass. I was going to do it last night but was just too tired and enjoying relaxing. I’ll let this simmer all day, then strain and jar it. Tomorrow I will make some soup with it and some of the leftover turkey. It was chilly this morning 41-43F. I went and picked one of the lemons, wow does it smell great! And quite strong. Such a small tree and so many lemons. Lots of little birds out today too. Lesser goldfinches, juncos, white crowned sparrows, Costas hummingbirds, house sparrows, house finches, and a couple of flickers so far. It’s still cold at 48F, and almost 9am. Today’s high will be 62. Well I just saw the hawk fly over as I type this. I wondered what got the birds to all fly off. Time to go back inside and warm up a bit.
Happy Friday! - Michele
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
Happy Thanksgiving Nov 25, 2021
Good Morning!
To my USA friends, from our house to yours,
we wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday.
Photo: A favorite image I took on a trip we took
down Hwy 89 in Utah a few years ago.
Good Morning Nov 24, 2021-Happy Thanksgiving Eve.
Good morning. The sun is up and there were just enough clouds on the eastern horizon to give a bit of color. Chilly but not super cold at 54 degrees, and some of the little birds have stopped by then flown off already. I haven’t seen the hawk yet, but I’ll bet it’s around. I have seen a few of the neighborhood kitties stroll by, and no doubt a few are lurking around nearby. The Grand Canyon helicopter tours are already flying over quite early. Noisy but it’s always a sign of tourism business for our town so I’ll take it. The grackles are squealing on the rooftops again too, and Mr Anna’s hummingbird has already chased off at least 3 intruders so far. Time for more coffee and for me to get busy. I have some business to conclude then on to more Thanksgiving preps. I'm also sharing a few recent bird photos.
Happy Wednesday, and Happy Thanksgiving Eve! - Michele
I spotted one of my songbird deterrents in the olive tree over the patio
yesterday morning. I think it’s a sharp shinned hawk.
A couple of recent northern flicker photos, red shafted.
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Good Morning Nov 23, 2021- A Gray Morning Here.
Good morning. Well today dawned gray and cold with thick clouds. I was hoping for some color, and waited, but no such luck. Not a speck of it. The clouds were just too thick. When I first stepped outside it was still fairly dark and I spotted Blackey the cat having a drink from the pool. Later, the green eyed kitty sunned and groomed itself on the far high wall. I heard a flicker calling but didn’t spot it. The finches came to the feeders for awhile then flew off. Mr Anna’s hummingbird was about inspecting all his feeders and chasing off any intruders. Grackles and doves flew overhead intent on wherever they were going to start their day, as did a small flock of starlings. I was surprised to see the sages had a few blossoms, and was glad to see the pomegranate tree leaves are just beginning to turn a little yellow. I can’t wait till they drop so I can prune that tree well back. Can’t see the setting moon for the clouds, but I can now see some blue sky poking through to the west. Time to go inside and warm up a bit again, and do some cooking preps before diving into other work.
Happy Tuesday! - Michele
Monday, November 22, 2021
Good Morning, Nov 22, 2021- Just a Few Shots, and Remembering JFK
Good morning. I haven’t had time for many photos this morning. We took one car in the shop to replace a blown out tire, and goodness it’s getting chillier. 45F, and The little birds were all puffed up and the hummingbirds were fueling up frequently. No complaints, I’m enjoying our colder season and hope it gets even colder soon. The moon was pretty at 90.8% waning gibbous, and today’s high set to be 65f. Happy Monday, and Happy Thanksgiving week to my Fellow USA inhabitants. - Michele
Remembering JFK
He was born in the same year as my mom. I was nearly 5 years old when he died. I just remember the shock and tears...mostly my mother's. He definitely was not perfect,
but he was probably the last truly patriotic Democrat.
From his Inaugural address in 1961:
"Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.
This much we pledge — and more."
"And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you
— ask what you can do for your country.
My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you,
but what together we can do for the freedom of man."
President John. F Kennedy
The full speech is here:
Sunday, November 21, 2021
Good Morning Nov 21, 2021- Lots of Birdies
Good morning. I didn’t get up for sunrise today, since there were no clouds , and I stayed up late reading. This morning was about the birds. I had lots of little ones, until the kitties started visiting. I got those shots on the larger camera. First was “Tubby”, the big fat gray and whit kitty who inspected the far wall and sun Ed himself for awhile. Then the green eyed kitty visited the same spot, all while keeping an eye on both me and the bird feeders from that distance. Then Blacky popped over the fence and took one of his strolls around the yard, keeping an eye on me and taking a drink from the pool. All the little birds waited in the tree tops till they left. It’s chilly, but I’ve just seen a flicker on the palm tree so, I'm going to dash and try and get a shot of him.
Saturday, November 20, 2021
Good Morning Nov 20, 2021-Long Pink and Gold Stripes in the Sky
Good morning. This morning’s sky was so different than yesterday’s. Today’s was long streaks of color like long steady brushstrokes in an oil painting, again going from grey and pink to gold and blue. To the west, the sky was clear, and the moon was bold and sharp at 97.6% waning gibbous just slipping behind the trees. I’m back inside now, but I can see through the window that the little birds are starting to arrive, and the hummingbirds competing for the feeders with their aerial antics. Next week is Thanksgiving, how on earth did that arrive so fast? It’s a cool 48f outside (9C) and will rise to a high of 72f this afternoon. Time for my 2nd cup of coffee and to get busy.
Memory post. The hubs and I, many years ago. 96-97 I think? Time flies.
#memories #mybestfriend #stilltogether
Happy Saturday! - Michele
#memories #mybestfriend #stilltogether
Friday, November 19, 2021
Good Morning Nov 19, 2021- Hurrah for Clouds
Good morning. Hurrah for clouds! Well I did miss the lunar eclipse last night. We had some clouds so I didn’t go out in the cold and wait, but opted instead for getting up early for sunrise. I’m sure better photographers than I got great shots of the eclipse. I think I missed the brightest pinks this morning, but these subtle pastels morphing into golds was still quite pretty. I love watching that whole progression, you may have noticed. I found a little green lacewing on an oleander leaf, but still few birds so far. Just pigeons warming their wings in the sun's rays, and I heard a kestrel's call in the distance, and just now a few grackles have started their rooftop chorus of squealing. Hopefully some little birds show up soon, but I'm getting a bit chilled and think I’ll get inside for a bit to warm up, before starting on some other things.
Thursday, November 18, 2021
Good Morning Nov 18, 2021- A Chilly Morning, at Least For Me
Good morning. Not much new this morning. It was clear and cold before sunrise, and I had not slept well for some reason, so I confess I went back inside under the bedcovers for awhile. Yes, I know 46F isn't cold for many of you, but for some reason it was for me today. The clouds I’d hoped would be there for some pre-sunrise color are only just now showing up over an hour later. No songbirds either, just a chorus of grackles on the neighbor’s roof, and I think I saw the hawk fly off out of the corner of my eye. No doubt that’s keeping the birds away. I trimmed one of the lantanas in a barrel yesterday afternoon, and I hope to get to the other one soon. I have a bunch of computer work to do, so we’ll see if I get to that. Ok, coffee is brewed , time for a cup.
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Good Morning Nov 17, 2021-Another Golden Sunrise
Good morning. It was another golden sunrise in mostly clear skies this morning. Both Lady hummingbird and Mr. Anna’s hummingbird visited for a bath, and a white crowned sparrow and some house finches stopped in for some suet. Most of the birds still seem hesitant, probably due to the cats and the hawks. Most of the olives are quite ripe now and dropping, giving many of the birds an extra feast. I found a few blooms and buds on the oleanders but I really need to trim them way back. I also need to trim and replant a bunch of other shrubs and plants but I have ever so much work to do inside. Perhaps this afternoon when it warms up a bit I can make some time. It was 52f when I came outside before sunrise, with a high today of 72, we have some beautiful weather happening. It’s definitely our gloating season again. Happy Wednesday. - Michele
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Good Morning Nov 16, 2021-Paler Pinks
Good morning. Just a quick post to share this morning’s sky. Lots of thick clouds, not bright pinks, but pretty with just a touch of paler pink pre sunrise color. I almost missed it again. No birds out yet, it’s quite chilly at 59f with all the extra moisture in the air. I might post more , but for now I just wanted to share this, and I think the coffee is ready, time for a cup. Happy Tuesday. - Michele
On another subject, I really love the salad I made for last Sunday night’s pot-luck gathering , and fortunately there was some leftover for me to eat. The rice, bean, beef, chili and three cheese casserole was good too, but since I can’t eat that, the boys will finish it off. The salad was greens and roasted veggies with balsamic (onions, beets) with mandarin oranges, pecans, feta cheese, and some pears I marinated in red wine vinegar and olive oil, and the marinade and water from the mandarins was used to dress it. Yummy. - Cheers!
Monday, November 15, 2021
Another great video from Nicki and Carlo in Positano
Good Morning, Nov 15, 2021- Fur More than Feathers
Good morning. I think I missed some color this morning. My weather ap said it was clear so I didn’t get up till 6aM just in time to see the gold part just before sunrise. Never believe the weather ap Michele and go look out the kitchen window for yourself. Meanwhile it was more fur than feathers this morning, and with a new face I had not seen before. A very big tubby kitty too. The green eyed kitty was hanging out very warily with another grey and white tabby. They both sunned themselves on that back wall for quite awhile while keeping a close eye on one another’s movements, and the little birds waited in the treetops. As soon as those two left, Blackey came over the fence from the other side of the yard and took one of his strolls through, stopping for a long drink in the pool, a few scratches on the poles, and many sniffs. When I first came out the green eyed kitty had been hiding in the yard, and last night I heard a cat fight out the window so I’m sure they have all been leaving their scent out there. It’s a cool 54f and sunny with a high of 79f predicted, and the forecast shows the temps slowly falling again. Still warm enough for bees though. I’ve just now noticed they are swarming the red hummingbird feeder again. We definitely must have a migrating swarm nearby, they only do that here when that happens. Feed up little bees before it gets too cold.
Happy Monday! - Michele
The two gray and white tabby's this morning. The green eyed kitty is the smaller on the left. The new guy is the bigger one on the ground then on the wall on the right.
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