Its a glorious 3 day holiday weekend here in the USA. Between the picnics, parades and fireworks. Between time in the pool, or on the boat. Before the BBQ cools down for the evening on Monday, I hope all my fellow USA citizens and residents take a moment to reflect on the anniversary that the 4th of July represents. The anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. A founding document declaring the birth of our nation. A line in the sand that was drawn by a brave group of men and women who had had enough from a distant power who allowed them no representation. And so these brave people decided to create a brand new form of government, a Republic the likes of which the world had never seen before, and may never see again if we don't work to keep it free and intact. I challenge you all to take the time to read, know and understand the most basic policies of our country. Happy 4th of July fellow citizens, long may freedom ring in this beautiful land of ours. - Michele
Here is a link that helps people understand our founding documents like the US Constitution in modern day language.

I travel, paint, photograph, philosophize and sometimes its just plain rambling. I also sell my watercolors and oil paintings, both originals and prints. The philosophy is free. Just a note; all text and images on this site are copyrighted and should not be used without my permission. Just ask, I love to chat. Thanks for visiting.