I travel, paint, photograph, philosophize and sometimes its just plain rambling. I also sell my watercolors and oil paintings, both originals and prints. The philosophy is free. Just a note; all text and images on this site are copyrighted and should not be used without my permission. Just ask, I love to chat. Thanks for visiting.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Results on Survey of Artists Regarding Groups-Nov 2009

Question 1
Is belonging to a group of artists with a common purpose…
10 answered GOOD
0 answered BAD
16 answered VALUABLE or somewhat valuable
9 answered WORTHWHILE
0 answered UNWANTED
Question 2
A group of artists banded together to make positive change for mankind is…
11 answered GOOD
0 answered BAD
13 answered VALUABLE or somewhat valuable
12 answered WORTHWHILE
1 answered UNWANTED
Question 3
A way to pool resources for the betterment of others and yourself is…
15 answered GOOD
0 answered BAD
15 answered VALUABLE or somewhat valuable
11 answered WORTHWHILE
0 answered UNWANTED
Question 4
Getting your art into fast moving markets is…
13 answered GOOD
0 answered BAD
22 answered VALUABLE or somewhat valuable
4 answered WORTHWHILE
1 answered UNWANTED
Question 5
The concept of belonging to a guild to promote and protect quality artists is…
15 answered GOOD
0 answered BAD
14 answered VALUABLE or somewhat valuable
10 answered WORTHWHILE
1 answered UNWANTED
On, “Which of the above is most valuable?”
#1 had 8
#2 had 9
#3 had 6
#4 had 7
#5 had 11
On, “Which of the above is the least valuable?”
#1 had 5
#2 had 6
#3 had 2
#4 had 14
#5 had 10
On, “If a guild as stated above started, would you want to be notified?”
25 said YES
4 said NO
The rest didn’t answer
The first thing I discovered is that there is both confusion and hostility to the term and concept of a guild. This was new to me. Some have had the experience that guilds are in the business of regulating and evaluating artistic output, both type and quality and this is very much unwanted (understandable). Some experienced guilds that acted more like unions or exclusive clubs and weren’t really there on behalf of the artists in general.
The other observation I have on this is that mostly artists would like to help each other more, but often don’t really know how best to go about it, and being individualists by nature, don’t understand how best to align their efforts for mutual results.
My own purpose for this research is not to in any way get into the artistic/ creative output side of things which is up to every individual artist. My research has to do with coming up with some new and innovative ways that artista can group together to assist in marketing, promotion and selling more of everyone’s art. Basically to use the power of a group more effectively to provide more selling and marketing power to all members of the group.
With that I need a little more research, so I’d like to ask you all (if you are an artist) to take my next survey here:
or click the link on the above right- this survey is to be taken anonymously, I do not need your identity for this one unless you want to give to me.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Originally uploaded by Mikalaartist
Available at www.michelerossfineartist.com
or in my Ebay Store
Watercolor Study for November 22nd-
Reviews so far
"Oh wow! Pretty! Love, love the colors! "
"Wonderful artwork !!! Beautiful colours and composition !!! "
"This is wonderful! "
"Fantastic! I love the delicacy of the geraniums against the power of the strong trunks of the bananas. "
"It's very great composition, it's original and brings nice and clear effect of light, congrats."
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Survey for Artists
Just click the link on the upper right and you will be directed to the Survey. Thanks!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
PUNALUU HONU- watercolor
PUNALUU HONU- watercolor
Originally uploaded by Mikalaartist
Available at www.michelerossfineartist.com
or on Etsy or Ebay- first come, first serve etc.
Watercolor on 12x16 in (31x41cm) Arches 140lb CP
Originally uploaded by Mikalaartist
Watercolor on 12x16in (31x41cm) Arches 140lb CP
Available on Ebay or Etsy or just contact me directly
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Why I love Veteran's............ thoughts on Veteran's Day, Warriors, and Taking a Stand

First of all, I'm married to a veteran. My husband Bob was in the US Navy for 7 years during Viet Nam and shortly after. And I'm also the daughter of one. My father was a career Army Officer in the US Army and a veteran of 3 wars, WW II, Korea, and Viet Nam.
Even if I don't agree with all the circumstances of each of these wars, there's something wonderful about someone who will hold a post and put himself or herself in harm's way to protect their group. Someone who will stand there and hold the line and say "I'm going to follow orders and get the job done for my god and my country- my group and my beliefs!" There's something above the crowd about doing that.
When I was a child in Hawaii, we were stationed at Schofield Barracks on Oahu. One of my most poignant memories of that era was looking at the drill field covered in coffins and knowing those boxes were filled with men who had died for their country and that their bodies were on their way back to families who are grief stricken and in pain. That was the 60's and there were a lot of conflicting viewpoints about that mess over in southeast Asia. Yes, there was a lot of waste in that endeavor, but that was never any reason to dishonor those who did their job, held their posts correctly and held the line for the rest of us.
I know just a very little about what my husband and my father went through. My father spent time behind enemy lines in China and Korea and he was in Hanoi during negotiations. My husband Bob was there at the evacuation of Saigon. I can't pretend to know what emotions they felt in such environments nor what nonsense they had to weed through and put up with from both the enemy as well as lousy commanders, unethical comrades and being asked to do things that I'm sure pushed them violently up against the wall of their own integrity. I'm sure there are things that have plagued them both from time to time and still......, there's something about a guy who is willing to take up arms, stand a post, and hold a line for their group because right or wrong at times its still their group....... I just know that while I was playing on the beaches at Waikiki, Waianae, and the North Shore, there were others who were elsewhere in the jungles of Viet Nam trying to get that job done against incredible odds from all sides. And as Memorial Day and my childhood memories testify, many, many were lost in those efforts. Many, many warriors lost. Yes, I've walked through Arlington National Cemetery- and I dare you to without sheading at least one tear.
War is not the answer and I've always known that- however, what would I do to defend my group, my home and my country? What would you do? We can't handle lack of accord and understanding when the communications have become bullets and missiles, however in the right context I don't think I'd personally hesitate to use such means. Yes, I'd take up arms and hold a post if necessary..
We still need our warriors, and in today's times, we must all step up to the line. Today's greatest and most urgent battles are for our own personal freedoms, our minds, our self-determinism, our bodies, our religions and the state of our immortal being. The battlefields are sometimes intentionally confused and hidden behind big media's disinformation, big Pharma, unethical legislation and leaders, and destructive technologies who run a constant campaign to make us think they are there to help and that their particular brand of bullets aren't really bullets at all. They are lying through their teeth! The corpses from those campaigns are hidden behind advertising, legislation and propaganda campaigns- but like those coffins on the fields at Schofield Barracks, they are there and they are just as real.
So, today I honor ALL the fallen warriors, those who have fought and died, and those who have served and lost a part of themselves in the effort whether it be in body, mind or spirit.
I also honor all the warriors still in there slugging on in today's battlefields both physical, mental, spiritual and ethical. Those who ARE holding a post, taking a stand, holding the line and forging ahead for their group, their beliefs, and their integrity against incredible opposition and suppression.
Our own neck is only as precious as our fellow group member's is.
Find your Cause
And today honor all those who have served in battle, their chosen ones or not, and who held their post, did their job and have fallen before us.
Thank you Veterans of all Wars! Personally, I thank you very much!-
Monday, November 9, 2009
BOATS AT SUNSET -Watercolor Painting
Saturday, November 7, 2009
"ADMIRATION" giclee print
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Originally uploaded by Mikalaartist
Today's Watercolor
You probably already guessed that I really love plumerias- they are often warm up paintings for me- but this one, I'm pretty darned happy with. Hope you like it too.
Watercolor on 7x10 inch lanaquarelle cold pressed rough
Original $69.00 US plus shipping- prints available for $22.00 US plus shipping.